Bing Search links you to your favorite services via Facebook Messenger
Microsoft is making sure to make its Bing search service more useful for users. Even if Bing doesn’t enjoy the most excellent PR compared to Google, Microsoft has still managed to position this search service as a viable competitor to Google’s own search.
The great news is that now, Microsoft’s Bing also provides a direct link to the Facebook Messenger accounts of your all-time favorite services.
Connect with your favorite services via Facebook Messenger thanks to Bing
If you are searching for SoundCloud. for instance, you will get a little information card as expected but with a new representative addition. This will allow you to use Facebook Messenger to chat with the company’s representatives, bypassing the usual arcane chat systems with waitlists and nasty UIs.
Facebook extended the functionality of Messenger for quite a long time now for both users and corporations. It managed to do this in addition to implementing bots and other useful tools.
Facebook is making Messenger one of the most powerful customer support tools
Currently, the firm is leveraging its substantial billion-strong database to position this application as one of the most useful customer support tools ever. With Bing integration, it will now be even easier for users who don’t typically keep up with Messenger-related news to reach out straight from their browser.
Facebook also updated the Messenger app for Windows in 2016, adding new features such as live location sharing, support for both video and audio calling, and more to make it much easier for Windows users to access the service outside the browser.
If you’re a Bing user, don’t waste any more time and give this new Facebook Messenger-related feature a try and see how things work out!