What to do if BitLocker Keeps Asking for Password [EXPERT FIX]
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BitLocker is a Microsoft developed full volume control encryption tool built into Windows OS. While encrypting and decrypting a drive is an easy affair, users have reported that the BitLocker keeps asking for a password even after unlocking the drive. This issue can occur due to several reasons, including hardware changes, malware, etc.
Affected users made sure to elaborate on forums.
We have setup windows 7 enterprise and have encrypted the machine. Every time I reboot it asks for the recovery key. I have done the following. We have MBAM setup and the keys are stored automatically. I have had success with older models but this specific model is giving me a hard time.
Read about the solutions below.
How to solve BitLocker keeps asking for password?
1. Suspend and Resume BitLocker
Note that whenever you want to make any changes to the BIOS and Disk, make sure you suspend protection and resume the Protection after making the changes. This will avoid any conflict with the BitLocker and the disk drive.
2. Turn Off Auto-lock for BitLocker
Now reboot the system. Since you have disabled the Auto-lock feature, BitLocker should avoid asking for the recovery repeatedly.
3. Other Fixes to Try