How to fix ESENT 642 wuaung.dll error on Windows 10/11
- The ESENT 642 wuaung.dll error can stop you from running certain programs on your device.
- But weirdly enough, the ESENT error 642 cannot be linked to a particular app. It's actually a Windows Update error.
- Try to check if there are major problems within the Windows 10 system by performing a quick scan.
- Damaged or missing DLLs or registry keys can also trigger the ESENT warning 642, so make sure you tackle the issue from this angle as well.

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ESENT 642 wuaung.dll is not a common Windows 10 error, but it affects quite a few users daily. Since you might have a hard time finding the right solutions, we are here to assist you.
The Windows 10 ESENT error 642 might be displayed when you try to run certain programs from your device. For example, some users detected this problem when using the Macrium backup utility.
However, what you need to know is what’s behind this issue. Thus, right from the start, it should be clear for you that the ESENT warning 642 is not related to a certain app but with the Windows system.
In fact, it’s a Windows Update error that most likely appears because there is a corrupted Windows Update Datastore.
How do I fix Esent 642?
1. Run a system scan
sfc / scannow

2. Restore Windows Update Datastore
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
Since the ESENT 642 wuaung.dll error is caused by a Windows update error, you should try to restore Windows Update Datastore.
3. Run a third-party DLL fixer
One of the potential culprits for the ESENT 642 wuaung.dll error can be traced back to missing, overwritten or corrupted DLL files.
That’s why we recommend you start the troubleshooting and repair process by making sure that your DLL files are not compromised in any way.
Moreover, we recommend using specialized tools for the job and your best bet is the all-in-one repair tool for PC, Restoro.
That should be all. If you are still experiencing the ESENT error 642, don’t hesitate and get in touch with us by using the comments field below.