game won't launch, crashes, FPS drops and more

Survival games are really trending right now. For example, PlayerUnknowns Battleground has tens of millions of players on both PC and console. If you’re looking for a less crowded game where you can explore the environment at your own pace, you should try Frostpunk.
Frostpunk is society survival game that challenges you to manage the citizens and the infrastructure of the last city on Earth. Your main goal is to ensure the survival of the society and find ingenious solutions to respond to all the challenges that come along.
Speaking of challenges, one of them is represented by the technical issues that you may encounter on launch and during the gameplay. In this post, we’re going to list some of the most frequenly encountered Frostpunk issues, as well as their corresponding workaround whenever available.
Frostpunk game bugs
1. Game won’t launch
Many gamers are still struggling to launch Frostpunk. The game closes down shortly after launch without any error code or sometimes the launch process simply freezes.
Just installed. I click on play, shows the launching dialog box and then closes down. (sidebar shows syncing) then nothing. ARGH WTH?
If you’re experiencing this issue, make sure that you’re running the latest Windows 10 updates on your computer. Also, launch the game as an administrator and disable Steam overlay.
2. Frostpunk has stopped working
The game may also crash all of a sudden with the following error message: ‘Frostpunk has stopped working‘. Here are some workarounds that you can use to fix this problem:
— RELATED: Full Fix: Games Crash in Windows 10, 8,1, 7
3. Low FPS issues
Unfortunately, the game is completely unplayable for many gamers due to FPS drops.
The average size of the city is down FPS to 30-20, play is getting really bad. It’s on GTX 1080 and i7700
Players confirmed that using medium settings and disabling global illumination can raise FPS to a decent level. If the issue persists, you can check out the following troubleshooting guides:
Game Fire is a game booster that will get rid of low FPS, crases, freezes, lags, and other issues while playing. Download it now (free) for a better gaming experience.
4. Achievements won’t show up
Some gamers played Frostpunk for several hours but noticed their achievements are nowhere to be seen.
After several hours of play I realized that I recived no achievement pops. Sure enough its not recording. While this doesn’t hinder my enjoyment of the game, it would be nice for it to register.
Unfortunately, we don’t have any workaround suggestions for this problem but you can contact 11 bit studios support and give them more details about this issue.
5. Cut scene stuttering
Gamers also complained about cut scene stuttering issues. The frames freeze for a second, then the next ones play for a few more seconds only to stop again soon after.
So I just bought the game and I don’t know if it is the game or not, but the game cutscenes keeps stuttering, It stops for a sec and does some more frames then stops again,the game itself runs fine but it is annoying
Here are a few workarounds that you can use to fix this problem:
- Disable anti-aliasing
- Disable custome resolution
- Update your graphics drivers
- Verify the integrity of the game files by right clicking on Frostpunk > Properties > Local files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache…
These are the most common bugs affecting Frostpunk. If you came across other workarounds to fix them, feel free to list the solutions in the comments below.