Download and install GlobalProtect VPN for Windows 11

Publish date: 2024-06-11
Feature image GlobalProtect VPN for Windows 11.

GlobalProtect is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service used by large companies and organizations to protect user privacy. The VPN is free to download, however, organizations will need to have a subscription to use it.

This VPN is useful for those who take their devices on the go or use public networks that are more susceptible to cyberattacks. If you are curious about the difference between a VPN and a proxy for businesses, we have an article on that.

GlobalProtect VPN is common amongst large organizations and institutions because it allows for many devices to connect at once. Keep reading for the benefits and features of GlobalProtect VPN for Windows 11.


What are the features of GlobalProtect VPN for Windows 11?

GlobalProtect VPN for Windows connects users to a server on the Palo Alto Network firewall for the best enterprise security. The application will automatically connect users to the nearest gateway for optimal performance.

Since the GlobalProtect app will automatically connect users when it detects an unsafe network, users don’t need to remember to toggle the VPN on or off. This allows users to work efficiently and securely when on the go.

For an added layer of security, GlobalProtect VPN connects via SSL, which provides and maintains secure internet connections and protects sensitive data. This way, users can use their PC in public places knowing that their data and information are safe.

In addition to being available for PCs, GlobalProtect is also compatible with mobile devices, so users can browse safely from their smartphones or tablet.

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How do I install GlobalProtect VPN for Windows 11?

  • Go to Microsoft Store or use the link provided by your company.
  • Search GlobalProtect and hit enter.
  • Select Get to begin the downloading process. Click get GlobalProtect VPN.
  • After downloading, click Open. After downloading, click open.
  • Select NETWORK & INTERNET VPN Settings. Click on network and internet connection settings.
  • Next to VPN connections select Add VPN. Click on Add VPN to add GlobalProtect.
  • Fill in the information as provided by your organization and click Save.
  • Check with your organization before installing GlobalProtect to ensure they have a gateway subscription. If so, your organization or institution should be able to provide the necessary information needed to complete the setup.

    GlobalProtect is a great and secure VPN for large companies to keep their employee’s connections safe when browsing on public networks. If you’re looking for the best VPN software for small businesses, we have suggestions for that as well.

    Let us know if your organization uses GlobalProtect VPN in the comments below.
