How do I integrate Asana with Slack

Publish date: 2024-06-17
how to connect Slack and Asana


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  • One of the great things about the Slack instant-messaging platform is that you can integrate a wide variety of web-based apps with it. Slack has an expansive app directory, which includes an Asana app.

    That is a Slack app for the web-based Asana project management application. Therefore, that app enables you to integrate Asana project management with the Slack instant-messaging platform.

    How can I integrate and utilize Slack with Asana?

    1. Add the Asana app to Slack

  • First, you’ll need to add the Asana app to Slack. To do so, download the Asana app from the Slack app directory.
  • Then press the Continue button.
  • Select the Slack channels for Asana to post to. To include direct messages, click Search for channels.
  • Thereafter, you and any other team members will need to sign in to Asana from Slack.
  • Click Asana within the Apps section of Slack’s left sidebar.
  • Then enter this command in the message box: /asana.
  • Click Connect Asana to Slack to grant app permissions.
  • Then click the Allow button to enable the app to access the Asana account.
  • Allow button how to integrate slack and asana

    2. Set up a new Asana task in Slack

  • You can set up Asana tasks within Slack. To do so, enter this command into Slack: /asana create.
  • The dialog box window directly below will open when you press Return.New Asana task window how to integrate slack and asana
  • Fill in the text boxes on that window.
  • Press the Create button.
  • 3. Turn a Slack message into a task

  • Alternatively, you can set up a task from a Slack message. Hover the cursor over the message to set up a task from.
  • Then click the More actions button shown directly below for that message.More actions button how to integrate slack and asana
  • The More actions menu will include new Asana options. Select the Asana Create a task option.
  • The Create a task option how to integrate slack and asana

    4. Set up Asana notifications

  • You can set up Asana notifications for Slack channels. First, select the channel on the left to set up a notification in.
  • Next, enter this command in Slack: /asana link.
    /asana link command how to integrate slack and asana
  • Press the Return key.
  • Thereafter, you can select a project to link with the channel.
  • 5. Take action on Asana task notifications

    When you see a task notification in a channel, you can select actions for it. Click the More actions drop-down menu on the right of a task notification. Then you can select Mark complete, Change due date, Add to project, and other options for it.

    More actions menu how to integrate slack and asana

    So, the Asana for Slack app effectively combines Slack’s instant-messaging platform with Asana’s project management. The app enables users to act on Slack messages with Asana’s project management options. Thus, it’s a great extension for Asana users.

    If you have any more questions and suggestions, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section below.
