Verify directory access error in Windows 10/11
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The Verify that you have access to that directory error is one that arises for some users when they try to install certain software. The full error is Error 1310, Error writing to file: (folder path). Verify that you have access to that directory. Users can’t install the required software in Windows when that error message pops up.
How do I fix Verify that you have access to that directory error when installing programs? For starters, make sure you’re logged in with your Admin account. Installing programs requires administrative permissions. Alternatively, you can restore folder permissions with Permissions Time Machine or reregister Windows Installer.
Read below for thorough step-by-step instructions for each solution.
How can I fix Verify that you have access to that directory error on Windows 11?
This issue is similar to Access denied Windows 11 error, and it usually appears if you don’t have the necessary privileges to access certain directories.
In case this happens, you might have to change the owner, and to do that, read our how to take ownership of a folder on Windows 11 guide.
The solutions to this problem are same like the ones in our You don’t have permission to open this file guide, so be sure to check it out.
Fix Verify that you have access to that directory error
1. Log In to an Admin Account
The Verify that you have access to that directory error is often a folder permission issue. Some users might need to install the required software within an admin account instead of a standard one to fix the error. Users can activate a built-in admin account to log in to as follows.
2. Restore Folder Permissions With Permissions Time Machine
The Verify that you have access to that directory error states that users need to verify that they have access to the installation directory. Users can restore folder permissions for the installation folder path included within the error message with Permissions Time Machine. Follow the guidelines below to restore folder permissions with the freeware version of the software.
3. Reregister the Windows Installer
The above resolutions will usually resolve Verify that you have access to that directory error. In addition to those fixes, selecting an alternative installation directory for the software the error occurs for might also fix the issue.