How to move Windows 10 to an external hard drive [COMPLETE GUIDE]
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In case you want to free up some space on your primary hard disk, or you simply bought a better external hard drive, you might consider moving your entire Windows 10 operating system to a new space.
Of course, the first solution that will come to your mind is reinstalling the system completely, but there’s actually a legit way to move Windows 10 to another hard drive, without having to reinstall it.
Reinstalling Windows 10 is actually a simpler solution, and the Anniversary Update made it even easier.
However, if you don’t want to go through installing all your apps, checking all your drivers, and installing further updates, moving a system ‘manually’ is actually a better option.
We also have to say that by moving Windows 10 to an external hard drive, you won’t be able to run your own system on any other computer, it just doesn’t work that way. There’s actually a way to do that, but it’s not the safest option, so we’re not going to talk about it in this article.
This method also applies to internal hard disks, so if you bought a ‘regular’ hard disk, and decided to move your system to it, you can still use all the instructions from this article to do so.
How can I move Windows 10 to an external/new hard drive? You can quickly move your Windows 10 to an external drive by using Clonezilla and TuxBoot. You’ll need a USB Flash drive to do so. First, create an image of your current system, and then boot into BIOS.
For more info, just follow the guide below.
Steps to move Windows 10 to an external hard drive:
First thing first, although we said moving an existing operating system to a new hard drive is a better way, in terms of saving your apps and data, it’s never a bad time for a backup.
So, before you do anything else, make sure you back up all your stuff, because you never know when something might go wrong, even though this process should be completely safe for your system.
Once you’ve backed up all your data, you can move on to relocating your system to another drive. This process doesn’t take just a new drive, because you’ll have to use a few additional ‘tools’.
First, you need a USB Flash drive to mount a system image to, and two programs called Clonezilla and TuxBoot, to make the whole process possible.
So, without any further ado, here’s what you need to do to transfer Windows 10 from one hard drive to another:
Bonus: How to install Windows 10 on an external hard drive
Now that we’ve shown you how to move Windows 10 from one hard drive to another, let’s also see what you can do if you decide for ‘the other way,’ and choose to actually install clean Windows 10 on an external hard drive.
Installing Windows 10 on an external drive shouldn’t be a problem, as it’s different than installing the OS on any other partition. However, your computer can sometimes reject an external hard drive as a drive to install a new operating system on.
If that happens, you need to perform one simple action that will make your computer accept an external hard drive as a legit location for a new OS.
To be able to install Windows 10 on an external hard drive without any issues, check out this article for solutions.
Again, remember to back up all your data just to make sure that if you bump into any problems, you’ll have a safe way to go back to the initial state.
That’s about it. We know this process might look complicated to you, but if you pay closer attention, it’s completely doable. You now know how to transfer Windows 10 to another partition, so we hope we saved you at least some time and effort.
In case you have any more comments, questions, or suggestions, just let us know in the comments section below and we’ll surely take a look.