How to turn on Bluetooth in Windows 11

Publish date: 2024-06-20
How to turn on Bluetooth in Windows 11 [Quick Guide]


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  • It is no longer a surprise that the latest Microsoft OS came up with great features. Even if some of them remained pretty similar to what we already know, others changed. Check out this comparison between Windows 11 and Windows 10 and convince yourself.

    Bluetooth is an important property that works in the same manner, and turning it on is easier than you think.

    This article will show three accessible options that will help you turn on Bluetooth in Windows 11. But before anything else, let’s see some reasons why you should use it on your PC.

    Why should I use Bluetooth in Windows 11?

    In general terms, Bluetooth technology represents a short-range wireless communications technology used to replace the cables connecting electronic devices. However, it is more than that. Check out the following list and find out what is this all about:

    Now, let’s see what are the most accessible methods to turn it on. Today’s guide will present some interesting additional information, so make sure you read it completely.

    How can I turn on Bluetooth in Windows 11?

    1. Use the Settings menu

  • Click the Windows key, then open Settings.
  • Click on Bluetooth & devices.
  • Turn On the Bluetooth.
  • This is the simplest option to turn on Bluetooth in Windows 11. However, note that its appearance in the Settings menu depends on another option. Make sure you keep reading this article to find out which one we’re talking about.

    2. Use Action Center

  • Look at right bottom corner of your desktop taskbar, then click on the section which contains the Sound icon.
  • Click on the Bluetooth icon.
  • It should now be enabled.
  • 3. Try Device Manager

  • Press on the Windows key, then type Device Manager, and open it.
  • Expand the Bluetooth section.
  • Right-click on the needed device, then select Enable device.
  • Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
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    Remember that we were talking about the dependence between two solutions? Note that if you do not have this particular option set on Enable, it won’t appear either in the Windows Settings Menu (as we presented in the first method before).

    Read more about this topic

    What peripherals work with Bluetooth?

    What are Windows 11’s Bluetooth Thumbnails?

    As mentioned at the beginning of this article and as you can notice in our recommended solutions, Windows 11 Bluetooth works similarly to what we know from the previous OS version. However, the Settings page looks different.

    Unlike Windows 10 design, the latest Settings app now displays big thumbnails for the devices. These will create a more simple perspective of your Bluetooth activity.

    They indicate all the registered Bluetooth peripherals and show which one is connected. Not to mention that you can always add a new one.

    These are the most accessible options to turn on Bluetooth in Windows 11. As you can see, they are extremely simple, taking just a few seconds to perform them.

    If it ever happens to have troubles with this feature, make sure you take a look at this guide on what to do if Bluetooth is not working in Windows 11.

    And let us remind you that we do care about your opinion, so do not hesitate to share it with us by leaving a comment in the section below.
